NAMES: Bridging the Communication Gap in Healthcare During the COVID-19 Pandemic Through an App

Business Requirements

In the tumultuous backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic, a concerning observation emerged: a profound deficiency in peer-to-peer interactions and a stark gap in the sharing of vital information. A combination of elevated staffing turnover and inefficient hospital hiring processes, stemming largely from an absence of centralized data storage, led to detrimental staffing predicaments. Such scenarios not only exhausted the resources of healthcare establishments but also placed patients in precarious situations, putting their safety and well-being at risk.

In light of these challenges, the urgent requirement was for an innovative solution that could bridge this communication void and expedite hiring processes. This solution, which we identified as “NAMES”, aimed to provide an interactive platform. The primary objective was to foster robust connections between healthcare professionals and the institutions they serve, whilst streamlining data and information sharing. The platform would need to be intuitive, adaptive, and primed to address the dynamic needs of the modern healthcare ecosystem. Above all, it would serve as a beacon for healthcare entities to share, bond, and stay abreast of the latest updates in a rapidly evolving environment.

Business Requirements

Business Challenges

  • The pandemic highlighted a significant void in open communication among healthcare peers, inhibiting effective information sharing.

  • Hospitals experienced increased turnover rates and extended durations in their hiring cycles due to the absence of centralized data.

  • Without an efficient system to manage and communicate staffing needs, hospitals faced strenuous staffing situations, putting patients at risk.

  • Healthcare professionals lacked a dedicated platform to connect, collaborate, and keep updated with the dynamic needs of the healthcare system.

Business Solutions

ScalaCode collaborated with NAMES to design and develop an app-based platform. Rooted in the principle of fostering peer-to-peer communication, this advanced platform not only facilitates the creation, sharing, and real-time updating of information among colleagues and organizations but also promotes an awareness of prevailing industry trends. Beyond mere networking, it offers users the peace of mind by providing a secure vault for their pivotal professional documents. Central to NAMES' mission, the platform champions the cause of bridging the gap between healthcare professionals and organizations, thereby ensuring that the right talent finds the perfect workplace, leading to healthier and more productive work environments.


Key Features

  • Robust Networking: Enables professionals to create, share, and stay attuned to the latest from colleagues, organizations, and industry trends.
  • Professional Record Safekeeping: Offers encrypted storage solutions to safeguard essential professional documents.
  • Optimized Talent Matching: Streamlines the process of connecting the right healthcare professionals with the ideal organization.
  • Enhanced Peer-to-Peer Communication: Promotes open dialogues, ensuring effective information sharing across the healthcare spectrum.
  • Centralized Data Management: Addresses the staffing challenges by creating a unified hub for all pertinent data, reducing turnover rates and hiring lag times.

Technology Stack

  • Flutter Flutter
  • Laravel Laravel
  • Node.js Node.js